Statistical challenges in analysing self-reported ambient geospatial data
20th November 2024, 15:00 – 16:00

It gives us great pleasure to announce the next RGS GISRUK GIScience Webinar will be given by Jun.-Prof. Dr René Westerholt (Junior professor and head of the Spatial Modelling Lab at the Department of Spatial Planning, TU Dortmund University, Germany). The abstract for René’s seminar on “Statistical challenges in analysing self-reported ambient geospatial data” is given below. This will be an interesting and engaging seminar.
“The boom phase of user-generated data has passed, and the subject has become a mainstream theme of GIScience research. However, this does not mean that there are no more open questions. Self-reported ambient geospatial data particular, which involves the incidental and often unwitting collection of spatial data, presents us with analytical challenges. This kind of data is an interesting source of unadulterated in-situ reflections of everyday human life and collective geographies but lacks scientifically controlled data acquisition and is the result of a complex reduction process from meaningful places to content referenced at geometric point locations. Taking a statistical perspective, my talk introduces the audience to my research of the last decade. A key focus will be on the properties of estimating spatial autocorrelation – the statistical basis of spatial structures such as clusters or regimes – and its interplay with ambient geospatial data. I will thereby touch upon issues of scale, heterogeneity, stationarity, and inference procedures. The talk will mainly take the perspective of spatial footprints of places. In addition, I will also offer an outlook on a prospective change of perspective towards the concept of place itself without taking detours via geometries.”

Registration: Registration is free – you will be emailed the ZOOM link for the seminar before 20th November 2024.

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