We are pleased to invite you to submit a 1500 word extended abstract for the 31st Annual GISRUK Conference, which will be held on the 18th – 21st April 2023 at the University of Glasgow.

GISRUK is the largest academic conference in Geographic Information Science in the UK. For more than 30 years, GISRUK has attracted international researchers and practitioners in GIS and related fields, including geography, data science, urban planning and computer science, to share and discuss the latest advances in spatial computing and analysis.

Conference theme: We welcome papers covering all aspects of geographical information science, both theoretical and applied. In addition, we also have a specific theme for the 2023 conference. We are particularly interested in receiving papers which focus on GIScience for sustainable levelling up.

Key dates: Abstract submission open on the 8th November 2022. The closing date for abstract submissions has been extended to Friday 20th January 2023.

Submission: This year we are accepting submissions of 1500-word extended abstracts, eligible for all (including early career researchers). Please prepare your abstracts using one of these templates (MS Word, LaTeX, or markdown). Abstracts should be submitted via EasyChair. All abstracts will be subject to peer review and allocated to short or long presentations, or poster presentations. Conference proceedings of all accepted papers will be made available online.

Equal opportunities: We welcome diversity and are striving to offer equal opportunities to all participants. We are dedicated to providing a harassment-free conference experience for everyone, regardless of age, disability, ethnic or national origin, race, gender, family circumstances, political beliefs, religion, sexual orientation, identity, and socio-economic background.

Reproducibility: Reproducibility is a key element of all science, and we would encourage all GISRUK speakers to ensure that their work is as reproducible as possible. Common approaches to this include the provision of detailed documentation including what software and/or libraries were used to conduct research, the publication of data (where possible) using platforms such as Figshare, the publication of code and scripts using platforms such as GitHub and GitLab, and the provision of virtual environments using platforms such as Docker. Though GISRUK do not produce specific guidance on how this may be achieved, detailed suggestions are available from other organisations such as AGILE. Where it is possible and practical to do so, we strongly encourage GISRUK speakers to ensure that their work is reproducible using approaches such as those listed above.

Invitation letter: If you need a conference invitation letter for applying for a UK visa to attend GISRUK 2023, please contact Dr. Qunshan Zhao ().